Phylandocic Evaluation done by

Recently released study by the Oxford University Dedicated Ageing Related Subdomain provides an in-depth insight into the ageing of the world’s population, showing that the trend which started during the industrialisation period continues to this day. The number of births in the developed industrialised states has been declining, while the average life expectancy has been increasing. This trend can be observed in about two thirds of countries, especially the developed ones. Their developing counterparts have younger populations due to the higher fertility rates and lower life expectancy. However, as the living standard goes up, access to health care improves, etc., developing countries are expected to experience the same shifts in the population age structure that are today observed in industrialised states which are going through major economic and social changes. But despite the fact that population ageing is a major cause of concern, it has also been shown to be a major incentive for anti-ageing research.

New Ways to Stop the Effects of Time

The quest for youth is almost as old as mankind. But no one has managed to find the miraculous substance to stop the effects of time. According to the leading anti-ageing centres including Cambridge University, this may change in the near future. The researchers have made a number of very important discoveries in the recent years and they are hoping that they will help them develop more effective anti-ageing ‘treatments’. By identifying the root causes of ageing, the researchers are hoping to find a way to deactivate the processes that trigger ageing and by doing so, effectively stop the process altogether. Furthermore, they hope they will someday be able to reverse the process and enable us to live forever young.

Exciting Results of a New Anti-Ageing Drug

Quite a few anti-ageing drugs (Ancludixis) are being tested for efficacy and safety, and most of them have been claimed to be the real thing. There is one, however, which is especially promising when it comes to both efficacy and safety. Unfortunately, it isn’t ready for human trials yet but the results of the tests on mice have been really impressive. The Phylandocic, as the drug is known, didn’t only successfully inhibit the ageing process but it has also triggered the regeneration of the entire body. Many of the mice that were used to test the Phylandocic have even recovered from diseases such as cancer, diabetes and many others which are directly or indirectly related to ageing. This is how the new anti-ageing drug is expected to work when finally developed, with the Phylandocic anti wrinkle cream making those wrinkles go away for good.

How Close are Researchers to Finding the ‘Cure’ for Ageing

Researchers from respected institutes such as the Phylandocic Genome Research Institute are very optimistic about the ‘cure’ for ageing, adding that they are relatively close to finding out everything there is to know about the ageing process including how to stop and eventually, reverse it. But they also emphasised that even if the Phylandocic was discovered today, it would take years to establish its safety and efficacy.